Monday, January 11, 2010


Unidimensionality and Threshold Analysis of Balanced Scorecard Implemented in Hospitals

The purpose of this study was to help hospitals effectively implement balanced scorecard (BSC) and detect aberrant responded indicators for further discussion and improvement. How to decide objectively cut-off values of thresholds is still controversial. The 14 items of customer satisfaction prospective implemented in a specified hospital were examined with the Rasch model (RM), rating scale model (RSM) and partial credit model (PCM) to check whether they constitute a one-dimensional construct and form an interval scored scale. The standardized residual analysis with a computer module was adopted to swiftly identify distorted indicators. The results show that those two items regarding complain frequency and messages in daily newspapers were deemed as mis-fitting to Rasch model’s requirement. The reliability derived from polytomous BSC was higher than that from dichotomous one. The PCM had a better fit and a higher reliability than the RSM. Volumes of operation onto customers should be excluded from the prospective of customer satisfaction of BSC to make the dimensional meaningful. It was suggested that practitioners can apply the PCM to fit BSC data and a computer module with the feature of Z-score detection can detect aberrant responses across indicators objectively at a very early stage. Future studies can focus on detecting differential item functioning among season groups, investigating scoring rubrics of item responses, and integrating the existing workflows via computer sciences. Analysis of other aspects of BSC is also recommended.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Rasch Analysis of Hospital Bed Vacancy at PROMS 2008, Tokyo

Rasch Analysis of Hospital Bed Vacancy at PROMS 2008, Tokyo

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


medical center CMI and quantity comparision with each other

Monday, June 18, 2007


Detecting Abnormalities of Questionnaire Surveys:Online Satisfaction Analyses onto Physicians

Owing to the abnormalities with fumbling or careless responses from examinees, the invalid answers will tumble our explanations and interpretations for surveys.The results of those item calibrations were programmed into web site in a bit to render online surveys on internet and obtain instant responses from patients simultaneously. A KIDMAP performance diagnosis was designed to help physician recognize which response endorsed by patients should be trusted or neglected in accordance with the Rasch fit statistics.


Module for Releasing Check-up Messages from Health Examination Reports

How to release much more useful messages in exception of those normal or abnormal categories from health examination reports is a vital task to be implemented via information hi-tech. We developed a 21-item inventory of health examination, which can be used to investigate effects of examinees and their differences beyond expectation on health status. Rasch analysis was applied in this study to analyze dimensionality, differential item functioning, distribution of health ability and item difficulty, and group differences. A KIDMAP was illustrated to show the results of health examination on internet and the possibilities of related diseases such as osteoporosis.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Rasch analysis to be learned

Monday, March 19, 2007
Dates: 17 - 19 July, 2007
PROMS (Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


林世華 老師 的 SEM 部落格
11.8.2006 LISREL 工作坊的相關資料均存放於 Pages 1. 工作坊-11.8.2006。請自行點選並參閱。

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